An introduction to RepoManager, batch management of multiple Git repositories

Presenting RepoManager, a command line interface (CLI) for batch management of multiple Git repositories. RepoManager is available under the MIT license. The Ruby source is located at


RepoManager is a wrapper for Git , the distributed version control system. RepoManager's wrapper functions allow a single Git command to be executed across multiple git repositories.

For example, you have two git repositories named repo1 and repo2 and you want to check the status of both working folders.

without repoman

cd ~/workspace/delphi/repo1
git status

cd ~/workspace/delphi/repo2
git status

with repoman

repo status

suitable for

  • Maintenance and documentation of loosely connected source code repositories.
  • Synchronization or light weight mirroring of data across a network. That is a job for rsync. Or is it? If you develop for multiple platforms across multiple (virtual) machines rsync'ing may not be the best option. If you already have everything tucked into git repositories, you can use a single 'repo pull' command to mirror all of your repositories to one location for backup or reference.

not suitable for

  • Maintaining related source code repositories. There are suitable tools for that including git's own 'git submodules', git-subtree, and GitSlave.

Getting started with RepoManager


The RepoManager gem is available on

gem install repo_manager


RepoManager's binary is named repo

repo --help
repo --tasks
repo help generate:init

Example Usage: Using RepoManager to Backup and Synchronize PC Game Saves

The remainder of this article will examine a single use case.

Use case: Backup and synchronization of PC save games folders to a central repository (ie Drop Box folder) using Git. Game saves are typically scattered across multiple folders and drives.

This example demonstrates the following features:

  • Adding RepoManager user tasks, see repo_manager/tasks/
  • Adding destructive git commands to the default whitelisted non-destructive git commands
  • Testing user tasks with Cucumber, see repo_manager/features/
  • Relative paths (not absolute) in repo_manager/repo.conf making the folder portable
  • Bash completion for repo names, works on Win32 using Cygwin or MSYS Bash

The full source of this example is available at

create configuration

The following commands were used to create this example from scratch

mkdir -p examples/pc_saved_game_backup && cd examples/pc_saved_game_backup

Create configuration structure with the built-in 'generate:init' task

We are creating a local configuration. For a global configuration, you would execute the init command in your home folder

repo generate:init repo_manager

Session screenshot

Create the initial configuration via generate:init

Create the initial configuration via generate:init

add sample data

Add a few example save game folders. These folders would normally be scattered over the file system.


mkdir -p saved_games/mines/saves

# profile data will not be stored in the Git repo since it may differ from PC to PC
echo "# dummy profile data" > mines/my_profile.ini

echo "# dummy save" > saved_games/mines/saves/save1
echo "# dummy save" > saved_games/mines/saves/save2


mkdir -p saved_games/hearts

echo "# dummy save" > saved_games/hearts/save1
echo "# dummy save" > saved_games/hearts/save2

create remote folder

This folder will act as a remote to hold bare Git repositories. These repos will store backups of our game saves, normally, this folder would be on a remote server, NAS, or Drop Box like service.

mkdir remote

create the specialized 'git init' task

User tasks can be added directly to the repo_manager/tasks folder. This task doesn't use any RepoManager specific features, instead, it calls git directly via Thor's run command. Adding the script this way will keep this related functionality with this specific RepoManager configuration. Run repo -T to see a full list of built-in tasks as well as user defined tasks.


    require 'fileutils'

    module RepoManager

      class Generate < Thor

        # full path to the remote folder
        REMOTE = File.expand_path('remote')

        # Create, add, and commit the contents of the current working directory and
        # then push it to a predefined remote folder
        # @example From the repo working
        #   cd ~/my_repo_name
        #   repo generate:remote my_repo_name
        # @example Specify the path to the working folder
        #   repo generate:remote my_repo_name --path=/path/to/my_repo_name

        method_option :remote, :type => :string, :desc => "remote folder or git host, defaults to '#{REMOTE}'"
        method_option :path, :type => :string, :desc => "path to working folder, defaults to CWD"

        desc "remote REPO_NAME", "init a git repo in CWD and push to remote '#{REMOTE}'"
        def remote(name)
          path = options[:path] || FileUtils.pwd
          remote = options[:remote] || "#{File.join(REMOTE, name + '.git')}"

          Dir.chdir path do
            run("git init")

            # core config with windows in mind but works fine on POSIX
            run("git config core.autocrlf false")
            run("git config core.filemode false")
            exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1)

            # add everthing and commit
            run("git add .")
            run("git commit --message #{shell_quote('initial commit')}")
            exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1)

            # remove old origin first, if it exists
            run("git remote add origin #{remote}")
            run("git config branch.master.remote origin")
            run("git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master")
            exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1)

          run("git clone --bare #{shell_quote(path)} #{remote}")
          exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1)

          say "init done on '#{name}'", :green

add remotes

In one step, we will initialize a new git repository with the working folder's content and push to a new bare repository for backup.

Normally, you don't need to specify the --path if you are already in the working folder and the repo_manager can find its global config file. For this example, we are using relative paths and will specify the working folder on the command line via the '--path' option.

repo generate:remote mines --path=saved_games/mines/saves
repo generate:remote hearts --path=saved_games/hearts
create the repo_manager asset configuration files
repo add:asset saved_games/mines/saves --name=mines --force
repo add:asset saved_games/hearts --force

Get information on configured saved game repositories

repo list --short
repo status --unmodified DOTS

Session screenshot

Running repo list status unmodified repos

Running repo list status unmodified repos

Create the specialized Update task

The following user task will run repo add -A, repo commit, and repo push on all modified repos.


    module RepoManager
      class Action < Thor
        namespace :action
        include Thor::Actions
        include RepoManager::ThorHelper

        class_option :force, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Force overwrite and answer 'yes' to any prompts"

        method_option :repos, :type => :string, :desc => "Restrict update to comma delimited list of repo names", :banner => "repo1,repo2"
        method_option :message, :type => :string, :desc => "Override 'automatic commit' message"
        method_option 'no-push', :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Force overwrite of existing config file"

        desc "update", "run repo add -A, repo commit, and repo push on all modified repos"
        def update

          initial_filter = options[:repos] ? "--repos=#{options[:repos]}" : ""
          output = run("repo status --short --unmodified=HIDE --no-verbose --no-color #{initial_filter}", :capture => true)

          case $?.exitstatus
            when 0
              say 'no changed repos', :green

              unless output
                say "failed to successfully run 'repo status'", :red
                exit $?.exitstatus

              repos = []
              output = output.split("\n")
              while line = output.shift
                st,repo = line.split("\t")
                repos << repo
              filter = repos.join(',')

              unless options[:force]
                say "Repo(s) '#{filter}' have changed."
                unless ask("Add, commit and push them? (y/n)") == 'y'
                  say "aborting"
                  exit 0

              say "updating #{filter}"

              run "repo add -A --no-verbose --repos #{filter}"
              exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1)

              commit_message = options[:message] || "automatic commit @ #{}"
              run "repo commit --message=#{shell_quote(commit_message)} --no-verbose --repos #{filter}"
              exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1)

              unless options['no-push']
                run "repo push --no-verbose --repos #{filter}"
                exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1)

              say "update finished", :green


whitelist non-default Git commands

Only a small subset of non-destructive git commands are enabled by default. We will add the commands needed by our user task to the commands whitelist.

Edit repo.conf and add 'push, add, and commit' to the commands whitelist

    diff --git a/repo_manager/repo.conf b/repo_manager/repo.conf
    index 3cc6dbe..226b8c0 100644
    --- a/repo_manager/repo.conf
    +++ b/repo_manager/repo.conf
    @@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ commands:
     - ls-files
     - show
     - status
    +- push
    +- add
    +- commit

using the new tasks

To view all the available tasks

repo --tasks

or just

repo -T

Session screenshot

Listing RepoManager tasks includes user and built-in tasks

Listing RepoManager tasks includes user and built-in tasks

Using the action:update task to backup saved games.
repo action:update

Session screenshot

Example action:update usage with one new save game

Example action:update usage with one new save game

Synchronizing saved games to another PC can be accomplished using Git's 'pull' command.

verify working folders are clean, if they are not, either revert them or commit and push

repo status

pull from remote to all configured repos

repo pull

Testing user tasks with Cucumber

Add a Gemfile for use by Bundler


source ""

gem "repo_manager"

gem "bundler", ">= 1.0.14"
gem "rspec", ">= 2.6.0"
gem "cucumber", "~> 1.0"
gem "aruba", "= 0.4.5"

gem "win32console", :platforms => [:mingw, :mswin]

Install the dependencies

gem install bundler

cd repo_manager

Add Cucumber features and support files

NOTE: This is an excerpt, see the file for the full listing of functional tests


Feature: Automatically commit and update multiple repos

  Background: Test repositories and a valid config file
    Given a repo in folder "test_path_1" with the following:
      | filename         | status | content  |
      | .gitignore       | C      |          |
    And a repo in folder "test_path_2" with the following:
      | filename         | status | content  |
      | .gitignore       | C      |          |
    And a file named "repo.conf" with:
        assets : repo/asset/configuration/files
    And the folder "repo/asset/configuration/files" with the following asset configurations:
      | name    | path         |
      | test1   | test_path_1  |
      | test2   | test_path_2  |

  Scenario: No uncommitted changes
    When I run `repo action:update`
    Then the output should contain:
      no changed repos



    require 'repo_manager/test/base_steps'
    require 'repo_manager/test/asset_steps'
    require 'repo_manager/test/repo_steps'


    require 'repo_manager'
    require 'aruba/cucumber'
    require 'rspec/expectations'

    Before do
      @aruba_timeout_seconds = 10

    Before('@slow_process') do
      @aruba_io_wait_seconds = 2


    require 'aruba/api'
    require 'fileutils'

    module Aruba
      module Api

        # override aruba avoid 'current_ruby' call and make sure
        # that binary run on Win32 without the binstubs
        def detect_ruby(cmd)
          wrapper = which('repo')
          cmd = cmd.gsub(/^repo/, "ruby -S #{wrapper}") if wrapper

Run the functional user tests

bundle exec cucumber

Session screenshots

Testing users tasks with Cucumber

Testing users tasks with Cucumber

RepoManager file structure including user tasks

RepoManager file structure including user tasks

Bash completion

Handy functions for use under Bash. These work fine on Win32 using Git-Bash.

CD command for working folders

rpushd: repo pushd (push directory). Wrapper for 'pushd'.

Completion for repo names

rcd: repo cd (change directory). Wrapper for 'cd', allows for simple cd repo name to the working folder on the filesystem referenced by the 'path' configuration variable.

Source these functions in your .bashrc

function rcd(){ cd "$(repo --match=ONE --no-color path $@)"; }
function rpushd(){ pushd "$(repo path --match=ONE --no-color $@)"; }
alias rpopd="popd"

# provide completion for repo names
function _repo_names()
  local cur opts prev
  opts=`repo list --list=name --no-color`

  COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
  return 0
complete -F _repo_names rcd rpushd repo

For more information, please consult the source:

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