Presenting RepoManager, a command line interface (CLI) for batch management of multiple Git repositories. RepoManager is available under the MIT license. The Ruby source is located at
RepoManager is a wrapper for Git , the distributed version control system. RepoManager's wrapper functions allow a single Git command to be executed across multiple git repositories.
For example, you have two git repositories named repo1 and repo2 and you want to check the status of both working folders.
cd ~/workspace/delphi/repo1
git status
cd ~/workspace/delphi/repo2
git status
repo status
The RepoManager gem is available on
gem install repo_manager
RepoManager's binary is named repo
repo --help
repo --tasks
repo help generate:init
The remainder of this article will examine a single use case.
Use case: Backup and synchronization of PC save games folders to a central repository (ie Drop Box folder) using Git. Game saves are typically scattered across multiple folders and drives.
This example demonstrates the following features:
The full source of this example is available at
The following commands were used to create this example from scratch
mkdir -p examples/pc_saved_game_backup && cd examples/pc_saved_game_backup
Create configuration structure with the built-in 'generate:init' task
We are creating a local configuration. For a global configuration, you would execute the init command in your home folder
repo generate:init repo_manager
Session screenshot
Add a few example save game folders. These folders would normally be scattered over the file system.
mkdir -p saved_games/mines/saves
# profile data will not be stored in the Git repo since it may differ from PC to PC
echo "# dummy profile data" > mines/my_profile.ini
echo "# dummy save" > saved_games/mines/saves/save1
echo "# dummy save" > saved_games/mines/saves/save2
mkdir -p saved_games/hearts
echo "# dummy save" > saved_games/hearts/save1
echo "# dummy save" > saved_games/hearts/save2
This folder will act as a remote to hold bare Git repositories. These repos will store backups of our game saves, normally, this folder would be on a remote server, NAS, or Drop Box like service.
mkdir remote
User tasks can be added directly to the repo_manager/tasks folder. This task doesn't use any RepoManager specific features, instead, it calls git directly via Thor's run command. Adding the script this way will keep this related functionality with this specific RepoManager configuration. Run repo -T to see a full list of built-in tasks as well as user defined tasks.
require 'fileutils' module RepoManager class Generate < Thor # full path to the remote folder REMOTE = File.expand_path('remote') # Create, add, and commit the contents of the current working directory and # then push it to a predefined remote folder # # @example From the repo working # # cd ~/my_repo_name # repo generate:remote my_repo_name # # @example Specify the path to the working folder # # repo generate:remote my_repo_name --path=/path/to/my_repo_name method_option :remote, :type => :string, :desc => "remote folder or git host, defaults to '#{REMOTE}'" method_option :path, :type => :string, :desc => "path to working folder, defaults to CWD" desc "remote REPO_NAME", "init a git repo in CWD and push to remote '#{REMOTE}'" def remote(name) path = options[:path] || FileUtils.pwd remote = options[:remote] || "#{File.join(REMOTE, name + '.git')}" Dir.chdir path do run("git init") # core config with windows in mind but works fine on POSIX run("git config core.autocrlf false") run("git config core.filemode false") exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1) # add everthing and commit run("git add .") run("git commit --message #{shell_quote('initial commit')}") exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1) # remove old origin first, if it exists run("git remote add origin #{remote}") run("git config branch.master.remote origin") run("git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master") exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1) end run("git clone --bare #{shell_quote(path)} #{remote}") exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1) say "init done on '#{name}'", :green end end end
In one step, we will initialize a new git repository with the working folder's content and push to a new bare repository for backup.
Normally, you don't need to specify the --path if you are already in the working folder and the repo_manager can find its global config file. For this example, we are using relative paths and will specify the working folder on the command line via the '--path' option.
repo generate:remote mines --path=saved_games/mines/saves
repo generate:remote hearts --path=saved_games/hearts
repo add:asset saved_games/mines/saves --name=mines --force
repo add:asset saved_games/hearts --force
repo list --short
repo status --unmodified DOTS
Session screenshot
The following user task will run repo add -A, repo commit, and repo push on all modified repos.
module RepoManager class Action < Thor namespace :action include Thor::Actions include RepoManager::ThorHelper class_option :force, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Force overwrite and answer 'yes' to any prompts" method_option :repos, :type => :string, :desc => "Restrict update to comma delimited list of repo names", :banner => "repo1,repo2" method_option :message, :type => :string, :desc => "Override 'automatic commit' message" method_option 'no-push', :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Force overwrite of existing config file" desc "update", "run repo add -A, repo commit, and repo push on all modified repos" def update initial_filter = options[:repos] ? "--repos=#{options[:repos]}" : "" output = run("repo status --short --unmodified=HIDE --no-verbose --no-color #{initial_filter}", :capture => true) case $?.exitstatus when 0 say 'no changed repos', :green else unless output say "failed to successfully run 'repo status'", :red exit $?.exitstatus end repos = [] output = output.split("\n") while line = output.shift st,repo = line.split("\t") repos << repo end filter = repos.join(',') unless options[:force] say "Repo(s) '#{filter}' have changed." unless ask("Add, commit and push them? (y/n)") == 'y' say "aborting" exit 0 end end say "updating #{filter}" run "repo add -A --no-verbose --repos #{filter}" exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1) commit_message = options[:message] || "automatic commit @ #{}" run "repo commit --message=#{shell_quote(commit_message)} --no-verbose --repos #{filter}" exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1) unless options['no-push'] run "repo push --no-verbose --repos #{filter}" exit $?.exitstatus if ($?.exitstatus > 1) end say "update finished", :green end end end end
Only a small subset of non-destructive git commands are enabled by default. We will add the commands needed by our user task to the commands whitelist.
Edit repo.conf and add 'push, add, and commit' to the commands whitelist
diff --git a/repo_manager/repo.conf b/repo_manager/repo.conf index 3cc6dbe..226b8c0 100644 --- a/repo_manager/repo.conf +++ b/repo_manager/repo.conf @@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ commands: - ls-files - show - status +- push +- add +- commit
To view all the available tasks
repo --tasks
or just
repo -T
Session screenshot
repo action:update
Session screenshot
verify working folders are clean, if they are not, either revert them or commit and push
repo status
pull from remote to all configured repos
repo pull
source ""
gem "repo_manager"
gem "bundler", ">= 1.0.14"
gem "rspec", ">= 2.6.0"
gem "cucumber", "~> 1.0"
gem "aruba", "= 0.4.5"
gem "win32console", :platforms => [:mingw, :mswin]
gem install bundler
cd repo_manager
NOTE: This is an excerpt, see the file for the full listing of functional tests
Feature: Automatically commit and update multiple repos
Background: Test repositories and a valid config file
Given a repo in folder "test_path_1" with the following:
| filename | status | content |
| .gitignore | C | |
And a repo in folder "test_path_2" with the following:
| filename | status | content |
| .gitignore | C | |
And a file named "repo.conf" with:
assets : repo/asset/configuration/files
And the folder "repo/asset/configuration/files" with the following asset configurations:
| name | path |
| test1 | test_path_1 |
| test2 | test_path_2 |
Scenario: No uncommitted changes
When I run `repo action:update`
Then the output should contain:
no changed repos
require 'repo_manager/test/base_steps' require 'repo_manager/test/asset_steps' require 'repo_manager/test/repo_steps'
require 'repo_manager' require 'aruba/cucumber' require 'rspec/expectations' Before do @aruba_timeout_seconds = 10 end Before('@slow_process') do @aruba_io_wait_seconds = 2 end
require 'aruba/api' require 'fileutils' module Aruba module Api # override aruba avoid 'current_ruby' call and make sure # that binary run on Win32 without the binstubs def detect_ruby(cmd) wrapper = which('repo') cmd = cmd.gsub(/^repo/, "ruby -S #{wrapper}") if wrapper cmd end end end
bundle exec cucumber
Session screenshots
Handy functions for use under Bash. These work fine on Win32 using Git-Bash.
rpushd: repo pushd (push directory). Wrapper for 'pushd'.
rcd: repo cd (change directory). Wrapper for 'cd', allows for simple cd repo name to the working folder on the filesystem referenced by the 'path' configuration variable.
Source these functions in your .bashrc
function rcd(){ cd "$(repo --match=ONE --no-color path $@)"; }
function rpushd(){ pushd "$(repo path --match=ONE --no-color $@)"; }
alias rpopd="popd"
# provide completion for repo names
function _repo_names()
local cur opts prev
opts=`repo list --list=name --no-color`
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
complete -F _repo_names rcd rpushd repo
For more information, please consult the source:
commentsDy-na-bix, tasty serialization attribute accessors for ActiveRecord
Presenting Dynabix. Dynabix is an ActiveRecord 3.x RubyGem that facilitates attribute serialization via dynamically created read/write accessors.
Data serialization is a technique that can be used to persist data to the database without changing the schema when adding or removing attributes. A single text field can contain multiple attributes. Serialization is useful for one-off situations like voting polls or frequently changing on-line questionnaires. Dynabix uses ActiveRecord's serialize method under the hood.
ActiveRecord as of 3.2.1, as pointed out in the comments, has a very similar native method store. Dynabix differs from store by providing a declarative DSL for defining multiple stores (Ruby 1.9+), has separate read/write accessors, and stores to the database as HashWithIndifferentAccess. Unless you need one of these specific features, using the native 'store' method is recommended.
Dynabix's source is available under the MIT license here The documentation is located on at
Add a text column "metadata" to your model migration. This column will store all the attribute values defined by Dynabix.
class AddMetadataToThings < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_column :things, :metadata, :text end end
Add accessors to your model using the default column name ":metadata", specify the attributes in a separate step.
class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base has_metadata # full accessors metadata_accessor :breakfast_food, :wheat_products, :needs_milk # read-only accessor metadata_reader :friends_with_spoons end
Specifying attributes for full attribute accessors in one step
class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base has_metadata :metadata, :breakfast_food, :wheat_products, :needs_milk end
Using the new accessors
thing = thing.breakfast_food = 'a wheat like cereal" # same thing, but using the metadata hash directly thing.metadata[:breakfast_food] = 'a wheat like cereal"
Dynabix under Ruby 1.9+ enables specifying multiple metadata columns on a model. You are not limited to using the static "metadata" column.
Add text columns "cows" and "chickens" to your "thing" model migration
class AddMetadataToThings < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_column :things, :cows, :text add_column :things, :chickens, :text end end
Specifying multiple metadata serializers to segregate like data into separate database columns (Ruby 1.9 only)
class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base has_metadata :cows has_metadata :chickens, :tasty, :feather_count # read-only cows_reader :likes_milk, :hates_eggs # write-only cows_writer :no_wheat_products # extra full accessors for chickens chickens_accessor :color, :likes_eggs, :egg_count end
Using the new accessors
thing = # cow stuff thing.no_wheat_products = true # chicken stuff thing.likes_eggs = true thing.egg_count = 12 # using the metadata hash directly to read the data since # we only created a write accessor thing.cows[:no_wheat_products].should be_true
Add Dynabix to your Gemfile
gem "dynabix"
Install the gem with Bundler
bundle install
Get the source
cd workspace
git clone
cd dynabix
Install the dependencies
bundle install
Run the specs
bundle exec rake spec
Autotest with Guard
bundle exec guard
Presenting Win32-autogui. A Ruby Win32 GUI testing framework packaged as a RubyGem.
Win32-autogui provides a framework to enable GUI application testing with Ruby. This facilitates integration testing of Windows binaries using Ruby based tools like RSpec and Cucumber regardless of the language used to create the binaries.
The source code repository is available here: The repository contains specs and an example Win32 program with source and specs written in Delphi (Object Pascal).
Here is a quick demo using the Ruby Interactive Shell (IRB) under Cygwin on Windows XP to drive "calc.exe."
Win32-autogui is available on
gem install win32-autogui
Start up IRB
Paste the following lines into your shell's IRB session.
Note: Window's "calc.exe" is used as the target binary by Win32-autogui's internal specs. The complete source to the wrapper is available here: spec/applications/calculator.rb.
require 'win32/autogui' include Autogui::Input class Calculator < Autogui::Application def initialize super :name => "calc", :title => "Calculator" end def edit_window main_window.children.find {|w| w.window_class == 'Edit'} end end
Now we can start up the calculator
calc =
Session screenshot
Get some information
Perform a calculation
calc.set_focus; type_in('2+2=')
Get the result
Shut it down
Session screenshot
The Win32-autogui repository contains an example Win32 program with source, testable binary, and specs written in Delphi (Object Pascal) located here:
Quicknote is a bare bones notepad clone. Here is the spec file spec/form_splash_spec.rb for the splash screen functionality.
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') include Autogui::Input describe "FormSplash" do after(:all) do if @application.running? @application.splash.wait_for_close if @application.splash @application.file_exit # still running? force it to close @application.close(:wait_for_close => true) @application.should_not be_running end end describe "startup with no command line parameters" do before(:all) do # --nosplash is the default, turn it back on @application = :parameters => '' @application.should be_running end it "should show" do @application.splash.should_not be_nil end it "should close within 5 seconds" do @application.splash.should_not be_nil seconds = 5 timeout(seconds) do @application.splash.wait_for_close end @application.splash.should be_nil end end describe "startup with '--nosplash' command line parameter" do it "should not show" do @application = :parameters => '--nosplash' @application.should be_running @application.splash.should be_nil end end end
The Quicknote.exe application wrapper. Each of the testable application windows must be defined in a subclass of Autogui::Application. Partial code from lib/quicknote.rb.
class Quicknote < Autogui::Application def initialize(options = {}) # relative path to app using Windows style path @name ="exe\\quicknote.exe" defaults = { :title=> "QuickNote -", :parameters => '--nosplash', :main_window_timeout => 20 } super defaults.merge(options) end def edit_window main_window.children.find {|w| w.window_class == 'TMemo'} end def status_bar main_window.children.find {|w| w.window_class == 'TStatusBar'} end def dialog_about do |w| w.title.match(/About QuickNote/) && ( == pid) end end def splash do |w| w.title.match(/FormSplash/) && ( == pid) end end def message_dialog_confirm do |w| w.title.match(/Confirm/) && ( == pid) end end # Title and class are the same as dialog_overwrite_confirm # Use child windows to differentiate def dialog_overwrite_confirm do |w| w.title.match(/^Text File Save$/) && ( == pid) && (w.window_class == "#32770") && (w.combined_text.match(/already exists/)) end end # Title and class are the same as dialog_overwrite_confirm def file_save_as_dialog do |w| w.title.match(/Text File Save/) && ( == pid) && (w.window_class == "#32770") && (w.combined_text.match(/Save \&in:/)) end end ...
Watchr provides a flexible alternative to Autotest.
NOTE: The following assumes a global setting of 'git config core.autocrlf input' and that you want to modify the Delphi 7 source to Quicknote which requires CRLF line endings.
Grab the source for Quicknote
cd ~/workspace
git clone -n
cd win32-autogui
git config core.autocrlf true
git checkout
Install watchr
gem install watchr
Run watchr
watchr spec/watchr.rb
Watchr will now watch the files defined in 'spec/watchr.rb' and run RSpec or Cucumber, as appropriate.
Session screenshot
For more information, please consult the source:
commentsDo you maintain several different RubyGems? Maybe you maintain dozens? Wouldn't it be nice to not have to repeat yourself when making changes that should be common to all the gems in your stable? For example, you decide that going forward, you will use Bundler for all your gem dependency needs. You could tweak your gemspecs and Rakefiles for each of your gems individually or you could use your customized fork of BasicGem as a common ancestor for all your gems. Now you can modify your BasicGem fork and merge these tweaks using Git into all your gems. As simple as...
cd ~/workspace/my_gem_cloned_from_my_basic_gem_fork
git pull my_basic_gem_fork HEAD
git mergetool
BasicGem is an opinionated RubyGem structure. BasicGem provides no stand-alone functionality. Its purpose is to provide a repository for jump-starting a new RubyGem and to provide a repository for cloned applications to pull future enhancements and fixes.
The following steps illustrate creating a new gem called "mutagem" that handles file based mutexes. See for full source.
NOTE: We are cloning from BasicGem directly. Normally, you will want to clone from your own fork of BasicGem so that you can control and fine-tune which future BasicGem modifications you will support.
cd ~/workspace
git clone git:// mutagem
cd mutagem
We are going to change the origin URL to our own server and setup a remote for pulling in future BasicGem changes. If our own repo for your new gem is setup at git@red:mutagem.git, change the URL with sed:
sed -i 's/url =.*\.git$/url = git@red:mutagem.git/' .git/config
Push up the unchanged BasicGem repo
git push origin master:refs/heads/master
Allow Gemlock.lock to be stored in the repo
sed -i '/Gemfile\.lock$/d' .gitignore
Add BasicGem (or your fork of BasicGem) as remote for future merges
git remote add basic_gem git://
Change the name of the gem from basic_gem to mutagem. Note that renames will be tracked in future merges since Git is tracking content and the content is non-trivial.
git mv lib/basic_gem.rb lib/mutagem.rb
git mv basic_gem.gemspec mutagem.gemspec
# commit renames now
git commit -m "rename basic_gem files"
# BasicGem => Mutagem
find . -name *.rb -exec sed -i 's/BasicGem/Mutagem/' '{}' +
find . -name *.feature -exec sed -i 's/BasicGem/Mutagem/' '{}' +
sed -i 's/BasicGem/Mutagem/' Rakefile
sed -i 's/BasicGem/Mutagem/' mutagem.gemspec
# basic_gem => mutagem
find ./spec -type f -exec sed -i 's/basic_gem/mutagem/' '{}' +
find . -name *.rb -exec sed -i 's/basic_gem/mutagem/' '{}' +
find . -name *.feature -exec sed -i 's/basic_gem/mutagem/' '{}' +
sed -i 's/basic_gem/mutagem/' Rakefile
sed -i 's/basic_gem/mutagem/' mutagem.gemspec
rake spec
rake features
When we merge future BasicGem changes to our new gem, we want to always ignore some upstream documentation file changes.
Set the merge type for the files we want to ignore in .git/info/attributes. You could specify .gitattributes instead of .git/info/attributes but then if your new gem is forked, your forked repos will miss out on document merges.
echo "README.markdown merge=keep_local_copy" >> .git/info/attributes
echo "HISTORY.markdown merge=keep_local_copy" >> .git/info/attributes
echo "TODO.markdown merge=keep_local_copy" >> .git/info/attributes
echo "LICENSE merge=keep_local_copy" >> .git/info/attributes
echo "VERSION merge=keep_local_copy" >> .git/info/attributes
Setup the copy-merge driver. The "trick" is that the driver, keep_local_copy, is using the shell command "true" to return exit code 0. Basically, the files marked with the keep_local_copy merge type will always ignore upstream changes if a merge conflict occurs.
git config "always keep the local copy during merge"
git config merge.keep_local_copy.driver "true"
git add Gemfile.lock
git commit -a -m "renamed basic_gem to mutagem"
mkdir lib/mutagem
vim lib/mutagem/mutex.rb
Cherry picking method
git fetch basic_gem
git cherry-pick a0f9745
Merge 2-step method
git fetch basic_gem
git merge basic_gem/master
Trusting pull of HEAD
git pull basic_gem HEAD
Conflict resolution
NOTE: Most conflicts can be resolved with 'git mergetool' but 'CONFLICT (delete/modify)' will need to be resolved by hand.
git mergetool
git commit
rake -T
rake build # Build mutagem-0.0.1.gem into the pkg directory
rake doc:clean # Remove generated documenation
rake doc:generate # Generate YARD Documentation
rake features # Run Cucumber features
rake install # Build and install mutagem-0.0.1.gem into system gems
rake release # Create tag v0.0.1 and build and push mutagem-0.0.1.gem to Rubygems
rake spec # Run specs
rake test # Run specs and features
Watchr provides a flexible alternative to Autotest. A jump start script is provided in spec/watchr.rb.
gem install watchr
watchr spec/watchr.rb
outputs a menu
Ctrl-\ for menu, Ctrl-C to quit
Watchr will now watch the files defined in 'spec/watchr.rb' and run Rspec or Cucumber, as appropriate. The watchr script provides a simple menu.
MENU: a = all , f = features s = specs, l = last feature (none), q = quit
You are doing user-space filesystem encryption. You want to use a more recent version of EncFS than the one provided in the Ubuntu 8.04 repositories. No problem, just compile one yourself.
The most recent version in the EncFS will not compile on Ubuntu 8.04. Version r53 12/7/09 breaks with:
checking whether xattr interface takes additional options... no
./configure: line 24466: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'
This issue has been reported to the EncFS maintainer, in the interim, you can compile a fairly recent version by following the steps below.
Get the build tools
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake1.9 libtool gettext \
cvs pkg-config
Verify the kernel has FUSE support
cat /proc/filesystems | grep fuse
you should see something like this:
nodev fuse
nodev fusectl
Install EncFS dependencies
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev \
libboost-serialization-dev libfuse-dev \
fuse-utils librlog-dev libssl-dev
Build version SVN r50 (f97ae2780) by pulling down with git and checking out the most recent version that will compile on Ubuntu 8.04
cd ~/src
git-svn clone --no-metadata encfs
cd encfs
git checkout -b work_around_build f97ae2780
autoreconf -if
sudo make prefix=/usr install
commentsCopyright 1999-2013, GearheadForHire, LLC
Site design by GearheadForHire, LLC | v2.3.0